ELIGIBILITY and Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not addressed below, please call the Human Resources Hotline at 1-800-845-6675 option 4 or e-mail benefits@ruan.com.
1. I'm a new hire. When will my benefits begin?
You have 30 days to enroll with coverage starting on day 31. An enrollment notice with instruction on how to access the online enrollment website will be e-mailed to you approximately 5 - 7 days after your hiring paperwork has been processed. Use your waiting period to review the benefits information posted on the website, ask questions or seek clarification on your options, and make your election(s). Note that our medical plan DOES NOT accept late enrollments. If you miss your initial 30 day enrollment window, you must wait for the next Open Enrollment period or experience a qualified life event.
2. How do I sign up for benefits using the online enrollment website?
You may follow the Enroll Now link on our www.ruan.com/benefits web page or visit www.benxpress.com/ruan. You must login using your unique username and password, which is based on the following method:
Username: first initial of your first name plus your last name*
Password: last six digits of your Social Security number
Example: John Doe, Jr. Social Security number: 123-45-6789
Username: jdoe
Password: 456789
*If your last name is followed by Sr., Jr., III, IV, etc., please omit this suffix. Or, if your last name is hyphenated, please remove the hyphen when typing your username.
3. If I don't like the plan I chose, can I change it?
Once you enroll in a plan and coverage begins, your election(s) must remain in place for the remainder of the calendar year. However, if you experience a qualified family event, you may be able to add/drop a plan or add/drop a dependent to your existing plan without waiting for the next open enrollment period to make a change.
4. What are the qualifying events that would allow me to change mid-year?
Qualified family events include:
. Marriage, divorce or legal separation
. Birth or adoption of a child
. Death of a spouse or child
. Loss or gain of a dependent for tax purposes
. Former dependent again meets the plan definition
. A change in your spouse's employment
. Eligibility for Medicare
. An unpaid leave of absence by you or your spouse
. A change from full-time to part-time status or vice versa by you or your spouse
. A significant plan change to the coverage your spouse received due to his/her work
. The employee's dependent's Medicaid or state Children's Health Insurance Program coverage is terminated as a result of loss of eligibility
. The employee or dependent becomes eligible for a premium assistance subsidy under Medicare or a state Children's Health Insurance Program
Most qualified family events require you submit your changes within 30 days of the event.
5. What/when is open enrollment?
Open enrollment is an annual event that allows you to elect or make changes to your benefits package for the upcoming plan year. Ruan's benefits program has an open enrollment period each fall with changes being effective January 1.
6. Can I cover my dependents on my insurance?
Yes, you may cover your legally married spouse, dependent children under age 26 and adult incapacitated children (subject to medical approval). Note that if your spouse has other coverage available to them through their own employer or job, they are not eligible for coverage under a Ruan medical plan. You will complete a Working Spouse Affidavit, included in your online enrollment election, to disclose this information to the company.
7. Does the Working Spouse Exclusion apply to other benefits?
No. It only applies to medical. You may enroll your spouse in other plans such as dental, vision or life insurance.
8. Can I cover my girlfriend/boyfriend/fiancé on my medical plan?
No. Under Ruan's insurance plans, a spouse is defined as your legally married spouse. If you live in one of the 16 states that recognize common law marriage, you may be able to add your common law spouse. Call the Human Resources Hotline at 1-800-845-6675 to discuss this option.
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Please call the Human Resources Hotline at 1-800-845-6675 option 4.